Yoga is an art and a science. Yoga is neither a religion nor a new aerobic trend. More than 3000 years old, this system uses the body as a tool to reach the more subtle layers of our consciousness.
Yoga derives from the Sanskrit root yuj, meaning yoke, bind, and union. It is through the practice of poses, called ASANAS, that Yoga affects our body. It is through precision and alignment of the limbs that balance is achieved. The therapeutic values are apparent: Yoga builds strength and confidence and improves flexibility and balance, but it would not give the art justice to live it just as that. Yoga is a discipline of freedom. It fosters spiritual peace and contentment. Even the most skeptical scientists in Western Medicine finally agreed on the curative and therapeutic value of Yoga. The healing power of Yoga has, with no doubts, been accepted. Asana is only one stage within the YOGA system; it keeps the body strong and healthy. Seven other branches complement Yoga philosophy: Yama (universal codes of conduct), Niyama (personal codes of conduct), Pranayama (science of the breath), Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (union with the universal spirit).
As a whole, Yoga becomes a perfect science that enables us to tap into our inner wisdom and deliver us from pain and sorrow.